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In the engineering world, where precision and professionalism matter most, Skanstec stands out for its support of the construction community. They’ve formed a meaningful partnership with the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, aimed at strengthening the well-being of those within the industry. What makes the Lighthouse Charity truly exceptional is its role as an organisation offering comprehensive emotional, physical, and financial support to both the construction community and their families. This vital mission resonates deeply with Skanstec’s core values.

Skanstec’s collaboration with the Lighthouse Charity is a powerful testament to their dedication to the construction industry’s well-being. It goes well beyond financial support, as Skanstec actively invests its time, expertise, and resources to create initiatives that tackle the industry’s distinctive challenges. A clear example of this commitment is the recent appointment of Dawn Meagher, a valued Skanstec team member, as the Committee Secretary at the Lighthouse Foundation. Dawn’s involvement underscores Skanstec’s commitment to strengthening their ties with the charity and advancing their shared mission of supporting the industry.

In conclusion, Skanstec’s dedication to the Lighthouse Charity illustrates their commitment to the construction community’s well-being. As they keep constructing support networks, remaining dedicated to creating a positive influence within the industry.

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